Friday, October 07, 2005


Yep. I'm going to try ANOTHER blog--not that I keep up with the other 4--to record what I'm working on craft-wise and book-wise.

Right now I'm knitting a "Martha's Poncho" for Thea, with the intention of making a poncho for each of my 5 granddaughters. It's in a really nice medium blue I got at a garage sale.

I'm also crocheting an afghan for my youngest grandson. It's part afghan stitch, part lacy crochet and will have cross stitched embroidered animals on the afghan stitch parts--like the "Toy Fair" afghan I made for Maddie, but lighter weight--which should be better for California.

And I'm finishing the last in a set of 4 seasonal "Welcome" cross stitch designs intended for my parents from Just Cross Stitch magazine. We've been doing this in my AAUW craft group, too.

Also from Just Cross Stitch, I've started a set of 4 small seasonal samplers designed by Gail Bussi, one of my favorite designers. I finished the "Winter" one, but have to figure out how I want to display it--possibly as a little wall hanging rather than in a frame.

[I plan to post pics when I figure out how.]

I just finished reading Marion Chesney's Sick of Shadows (third in her new series and typically full of main characters who never do the right thing to make themselves happy) and Sam Llewellan's Little Darlings (wierd, "typically?" British satire for children, especially for those who like Lemony Snicket's books). I still liked them both.

1 comment:

Bridget E. Wilde said...

This is a neat idea. I may have to do something like this...