Sunday, January 22, 2012


Friday was a very snowy day--2-4 (or 6) inches of snow. Neither Rudy nor I had to go anywhere, so we just sat around and did our own thing. [In fact, I never got dressed at all, just stayed warm in my fuzzy jammies and robe.] I mostly knit and crocheted all day, but I also dyed a skein of yarn (I Love This Wool "Cream") using some of the techniques from the Dyepot Confidential video--though I used Kool Aid and Wiltons food coloring gels. After soaking the skeined yarn and then squeezing out the water , I twisted the skein loosely and microwaved it using Wilton's Lemon Yellow and Golden Yellow. After it cooled enough that I could handle it with bare hands ( c. 1 hour), I retwisted the skein and microwaved it using 2 packages of cherry Kool Aid. After this round cooled enough, I made two overhand knots in the untwisted skein, and microwaved it a third time with 2 packages of Berry Blue Kool Aid. Here's how it looked then.
I did a 4th round using Wilton's Sky Blue and only one knot. Here's how the skein turned out (I think it's gorgeous!).
Here's how it looks wound into a ball.

I also managed to make bread (using my bread machine) as well. A productive day.