MMario has started the new mystery shawl KAL in the Mystery Yahoo Group. There are several options using the same basic pattern--a triangle, a square, a circular pinwheel, and a "mock" Faroese (triangle with center panel). I started the mock Faroese on November 14, never having done one before, with the sock weight yarn unraveled from a thrift store wool sweater. I made some errors and couldn't see them, so I started a second one with worsted weight yarn--I Love this Wool "Olive Green" dyed a darker green with Red, White, and Blue Kool Aid--so I could follow the pattern better. I also thought a pinwheel would be cool, so I started a third shawl using some fuchsia recycled sweater wool that is more a lace weight (and fuzzy-ish). I will
not finish very quickly.
I finished Clue 1 today on all three--I do each charted row and return row for each version at the same time; it is then easier to remember the directions.
Worsted weight Faroese version

Blue Green Faroese version

Fuschia Pinwheel version

Closeup of Pinwheel

Only 4 more clues to go.